First Aid Kit Sponsoring

Vacancies - Mountain hut staff pool

Jobs in Swiss mountain huts

On the job page of (in German) you will find details of vacancies and jobs.

Divided into categories

- Job offers Alpine huts
- Job offers mountain inns and mountain restaurants
(lower area) offers the free employment platform of the mountain refuge for:
- Employment in mountain huts and restaurants
- Short or long term jobs and takeover of a mountain refuge

Registration for new job offers & deactivations under contact
(if already allocated, if possible with announcement number).
Please send the full ad text to info[at] (preferably in German)

Job application

If you are interested in an advertisement, it is best to contact the contact-person mentioned directly (see contact details). According to the survey, the most important information for a successful search:
1. Kitchen or cabin experience?
2. Mountain experience (sometimes important for the climb to the refuge)
3. Photo of job seekers
4. Age and gender

This is a free central service of
Other personal data on job offers will be treated confidentially and will only be transmitted with the consent of the advertiser.

Latest information Current information from "Schweizer Hütten" - become a member Testimonials - Employees of the mountain hut

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Latest information

Current information from "Schweizer Hütten" - become a member!

Testimonials - Employees of the mountain hut

Témoignages employés du refuge

Emplois dans les refuges